Sun Signs February
By Alina Rubi, PMAFA
Aries (March 21-April 19): It will be a month of introspection and profound emotional changes for you. You will feel a strong connection with your intuition and experience a heightened sensitivity to the world around you. This is an ideal time to explore your inner world and connect with your most authentic self. You are likely to be drawn to creative and spiritual activities that allow you to express your emotions and find a greater sense of purpose. However, you may also experience moments of confusion or uncertainty, as you will be processing a lot of information on an emotional level. Throughout the month, you will face challenges that will test your patience and your ability to adapt. It is important that you learn to manage your emotions in a healthy way and to seek the support of your loved ones when you need it. As February progresses, you will realize that you are growing and evolving as a person. Trust your intuition and follow your heart. This is a special time for you, so make the most of every opportunity to learn and grow.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Get ready for a month full of intense emotions. This February will be like diving into a rough sea, with waves of feelings that will take you to different places. But don't worry, you are an excellent swimmer and will emerge stronger than ever. Your inner world will be on the boil. You will feel the need to connect with your more spiritual and creative side. It's as if an invisible force is pushing you to explore new paths and discover your hidden talents. Let yourself go with the flow and explore new passions! Your personal relationships will also be in the spotlight. You may feel closer to your loved ones or, on the contrary, you may need some space to reflect on your bonds. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and say what you need to. At work, you could face some challenges. You may feel a bit disoriented or find it difficult to concentrate. Don't be discouraged! This is a time to reflect on your career goals and to look for new opportunities.
Gemini (May 21-June 21): A veil will be lifted this month, revealing hidden facets of your being. Emotions will stir like a stormy sea, but in the midst of the chaos you will find calm. Trust the universe and let yourself be guided by the current. This month, you will feel the need to connect with your spiritual and creative side. It is as if an invisible force is pushing you to explore new paths and discover your hidden talents. Your intuition is guiding you toward a special encounter. Someone who vibrates on the same frequency as you could cross your path. This encounter could trigger a deep and meaningful connection, based on empathy and mutual understanding. Open your heart and go with the flow! This period, the stars whisper in your ear that it's time to watch your wallet. Imagine you're a fish swimming in a sea of debt; you don't want to end up as an inflated blowfish! So, before you buy that new pair of glow-in-the-dark shoes (do you really need them?), think twice.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): This month, your intuition will be at its best. You will feel a deep connection with the universe, and you will be able to perceive signals that will guide you towards your destiny. Trust your hunches! However, you may also feel a little confused and find it difficult to make decisions. Don't worry, it's normal! Give yourself time to reflect and to find the answers you are looking for. You are likely to meet people who share your values and ideals; don't be afraid to open your heart and let yourself be carried away by emotion! However, it is also important that you take care of your existing relationships - make time for the people who love you and make you feel good! In your creative world, you will experience a great flowering. Your imagination will be in overdrive, and you will be able to create works of art that will amaze yourself and others. Express yourself freely and let your creativity flow! However, you may also feel a little vulnerable and need some space for yourself. Allow yourself to rest and recharge your batteries. Take time to take care of your body and mind.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22): This month, your social relationships will be like a garden in need of care. Plant new friendships, water the existing ones and don't forget to prune the ones that no longer bring you anything. Remember that healthy relationships are like a warm hug on a cold day! And speaking of you, get ready for a creative awakening - your mind will be a blank canvas, ready to be painted with your most original ideas! But don't forget to take care of yourself on an emotional level as well. Sometimes, we need a bit of solitude to reflect and recharge our batteries - think of it as a kind of spiritual retreat, but in a home version! You're going to meet super interesting people and you're going to have dates that will leave you with a smile from ear to ear. But be careful, don't get so carried away by emotions that you forget your feet on the ground. At work, you're going to be the rock star of the office. Your ideas will be so brilliant that your bosses will ask you for autographs.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Get ready for a month of pure magic. This month, your sixth sense will be more finely tuned than ever - you'll be like a human radar, picking up vibes and signals everywhere! But be careful, sometimes so much intuition can lead you to conclusions that are a bit... strange? Think of it as a GPS that sometimes goes crazy. Your social relationships are going to be the center of attention, you're going to meet super interesting people. But don't forget your lifelong friends - they're like your old jeans, comfortable and loyal! And if you feel like you need sometimes alone, don't feel guilty! We all need to recharge our batteries from time to time. Get ready for a burst of creativity! Your ideas will flow like a river in springtime - paint it, write it, sing it, sing it, dance it... whatever! But remember, don't compare yourself to others - you are unique and so is your art! Eat healthy, exercise, meditate.... whatever makes you feel good! Your body and mind will thank you.
Libra (Sept.23 - Oct. 22): This month you will feel like a fish in water, swimming in a sea of emotions. Your intuition will be so sharp that you will be able to predict the weather more accurately than the Meteorological Institute, but be careful not to become Nostradamus, or you'll be hospitalized! In love, get ready to experience a real Mexican soap opera. There will be jealousy, reconciliations and even a possible romance with an alien - who knows! And if you feel inspired, let your creativity flow! Write a song about your cat, paint a portrait of your houseplant or invent a new dance. But remember, don't turn your house into a modern art museum, or your family will send you to therapy! Your body will be begging for pampering. After all that thinking and creating, you'll need to recharge your batteries. Try a nice bubble bath, a yoga session or just a nap in the sun. At the end of the month, you will experience a profound transformation. It will be as if you have been reborn from your own ashes, filled with renewed energy and a clearer outlook on life.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): Get ready for a month full of emotions, intuitions and, of course, a tear or two. You'll feel like a chameleon! Your emotions will change faster than the weather. One moment you'll be floating on a cloud of happiness and the next, crying to a sad song. So, don't worry if one day you want to eat chocolate ice cream and the next you prefer lentil soup. You may fall madly in love with someone you've known for years or feel a special connection with a complete stranger. But beware of heartbreak, not everyone is as sensitive as you! Money, money, money! You may come into an unexpected inheritance or win the lottery (well, maybe not the lottery, but a prize in a contest). But beware of spending it all at once, money goes as fast as it comes! Existential crisis ahead! You may be asking yourself deep questions about the meaning of life and your place in the universe. Don't worry, it's normal! We've all been there at one time or another. Just remember that the most important thing is to be happy and enjoy the little things.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Get ready for a month full of dreams, illusions and a little bit of magic. You'll feel like a fluffy cloud floating in the sky! Your emotions will be at their peak, and you will be able to connect with the universe in a very special way. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself talking to plants or falling madly in love with a character from your favorite book. You might find your soul mate while searching for shells on the beach or fall in love with someone who reminds you of a fairy. At work, try to see the funny side of things and remember that you are the king of your own world. And on that matter of the heart, why don't you arrange a romantic date with your partner and talk straight? Maybe he or she just needs one of those hugs that melt you! Ah! And don't forget to explore new musical worlds, maybe you'll discover you have a hidden talent.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): This month if you have a partner, why not organize a board game night? But beware, not the typical ones, but those that reveal your darkest secrets. Who knows what surprises await you? If you are single, don't be discouraged! Remember that you are like a good wine: you get better with age (and with each failed date). You've been asked to lead a project at work, but you feel more like a goat on a bicycle. Don't worry, we all go through it! Delegate, ask for help, and above all, don't pretend you know what you're doing! If someone asks you for advice, give them the worst advice you can think of! Just kidding, don't do that. But seriously, sometimes it's better to keep quiet and look dumb than to speak up and confirm it. Focus on strengthening your relationships, learning something new every day and cultivating gratitude. This month, turn your dreams into reality and mark the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 20): This month will be like a jigsaw puzzle that you will have to- little by little- put together. But don't worry! With your intuition and creativity, you'll succeed. If you have a partner, congratulations! Your relationship is blossoming and you're feeling more connected to your other half than ever before. But be careful not to forget about yourself. You need your space to grow and explore new things. If you're single, don't despair if you still haven't found your soul mate. Sometimes, it's best to just take it easy and enjoy being single, and you may just find love when you're least expecting it! And speaking of love, have you seen that new series on Netflix that everyone is watching? Maybe you'll find inspiration there! Watch out for impulsive spending! This month you might spend more than you have. Try to make a budget and stick to it. And speaking of work, why not set out to learn something new? A new language, a design program? The possibilities are endless! And who knows, maybe it will open new doors in your career.
Pisces (Feb. 21-March 20): This month will be like a dream come true, full of possibilities and opportunities to connect with yourself and the universe. Tune into your intuition and go with the flow. Life is preparing something special for you, so keep an open mind and a willing heart. If you've found your soul mate, there's nothing like diving into a sea of love. Plan a romantic getaway or just a candlelit evening. Communication is the lighthouse that guides your ship in this ocean of emotions. Pisces, get ready for a month full of surprises! Explore new passions, such as cooking or photography. Enjoy simple moments, like a relaxing bath or a nature walk. If you feel overwhelmed, remember that it's okay to take a break and recharge - and don't forget to have fun! Life is too short to take too seriously. Your charisma will shine brighter than the star of Bethlehem - everyone will want to be your friend! Take advantage of this moment to lead projects and organize epic parties.
To contact Alina Rubi, PMAFA:
Miami, FL United States
Expertise: Specializing in Vocational Astrology, Electional Astrology, Astro-location, Astro-marketing & Astrological Talismans. Teaches AFA certification/preparation for AFA exams, private & group instruction. Clases de Astrologia en Espaol para todos los niveles.